
How to Configure Microsoft Outlook for your Gmail Account_4117

How to Configure Microsoft Outlook for your Gmail Account

Microsoft Outlook can easily be configured so that you can retrieve and read email your Gmail using Microsoft Outlook. Read on to learn how to do this via POP. First you’ll configure your Gmail account then configure Outlook.

Configure Your Gmail Email Account
    Go to the Gmail login page Dell Inspiron 1420 Battery, and sign in. Click on the Settings link located at the top of your Gmail account page. This takes you to the Mail Settings page. Click on Forwarding and POP/IMAP. cheap Select either: Enable POP for all mail or Enable POP for mail that arrives from now on. Select the action that you want Gmail to take replacement after accessing the email via POP. Click on Save Changes.

.Configure Your Microsoft Outlook Client
    Open Outlook by shop double-clicking on the desktop icon or by selecting the Quick Launch button. Click on the Tools button samsung laptop adapters, which is located at the top of cheap the window. Select Email Accounts… from the dropdown menu that opens. Click on Add a new e-mail account and then click on Next. Click charger the appropriate radio button to choose POP3 as your server type. Click on Next. Fill in the required information into the empty fields gateway with information. Enter your name and Google email address (username@gmail.com). Type in pop.gmail.com for Incoming mail new server (POP3). For the Outgoing mail server (SMTP) cheap laptop batteries, type in smtp.gmail.com. Type in your Gmail user name and password for your store login information. Click on More Settings… and then click on the Outgoing Server tab. Check the box next to My outgoing server (SMTP) compaq requires authentication. Choose the option: Use same settings as my incoming mail server. Click on the Advanced tab. Under the Outgoing discount Server (SMTP) section Dell Inspiron 1501 Battery, check the box next to: This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL). Enter 465 into the Outgoing server acer aspire (SMTP) textbox, and then click OK. Click on Test Account Settings… wait to see a message reading Congratulations! All tests completed zxcsky09520 successfully. Click on the Close button once you are done. Click on Next and then click on Finish. And you are done!

